
Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Party, Secret Santa & Classroom change!

Please tell students that the new large cottage classroom will be set up over Christmas break,
for now we are still in the same classroom.

You will get notices of Secret Santa Shop. They set up the library with gifts for students to purchase for family/friends. The objective is to provide a secret shopping experience without mom and dad for kids to feel independent and giving. It also provides a unique experience in money, budgeting and decision making.

The gifts are reasonably priced so that children can get gifts for a lot of people cheaply, but not necessarily high quality.

It is volunteer participation, but I will be taking both cottage classes in to preview gifts and then again to purchase some.

k-2nd will preview the shop Tuesday, Dec. 8th, 1:00-1:15 and purchase on Wed., Dec. 9th at 1:00-1:45

3rd-5th will preview the shop Friday, Dec. 4th, 2:00-2:15 and purchase on Thursday, Dec. 10th at 2:45-3:30

The envelope checklist sent home will give you an idea of how much money to send on purchase day. It is possible to send $6 and get under $1 gifts for mom, dad, bro, sis, gram, and gramp.

Classroom Combined Party is Wed. December  16th at 3pm
parents may come at 2:45 to help set up. There will be about 28 students plus siblings and adults, but not everyone likes everything so just bring a lot of whatever you choose. I’ll provide plates, napkins, cups and drinks. Let me know if you have ideas for games or activities.