
Friday, March 4, 2011

Summer Space Programs

Challenger Learning Center of Colorado

 Summer 2011 SPACE PROGRAMS 

Entering GRADES 1-2

Toys In Space                 
May 31 - June 3, 8:30-11:30am*
July 18 - 22, 12:30-3:30 pm
Do toys work the same in space as they do here on earth? See astronauts experiment with toys as they orbit the Earth. You will help to create and experiment with your own space toys as we explore the basics of Newton's laws of motion and discuss the effects of micro-gravity on your playthings.   Includes Push/Pull Day and See You at the Races.
(limited to 24 students per session)
Cost:  (*4 day session $145)  $180 

Space Adventures Plus
May 31 - June 3, 12:30-3:30 pm*
July 18 - 22, 8:30-11:30am
Build your own functional and tasty Mars rover!  Cook with a solar oven as you study the Sun.  Explore the solar system, study basic principals of flight, and ponder living in space with hands-on experiences.  In our Space Station simulator you will conduct scientific experiments such as analyzing gases using spectral analysis.  You will be actively engaged while learning more about the Earth and other planets using our Stellar Portal e-planetarium.   
(limit of 24 students per session)
Cost:  (*4 day session $145)  $180 

Entering GRADES 3-4
Moon, Mars & Beyond      JUST ADDED 
MAY 31-JUNE 3, 8AM-3PM
Moon, Mars, and Beyond  will help students learn about our solar system and understand the challenges of space exploration.  Then they will apply that knowledge as they join the "NASA" team for an absolutely critical assignment.  Mission Control has lost contact with the astronauts aboard a research ship studying the outer planets of our solar system.  They need help!  Does your student have what it takes to explore beyond the Moon and Mars?  Can your student help locate and save the missing crew?
(Moon, Mars & Beyond  is limited to 28 students.) Cost: $125

Moonbase Crisis                
June 20-24, 12:30-3:30 pm
July 11-15, 8:30-11:30am
Join Commander Zota and your teammates in this futuristic adventure to the moon.  The week's activities are based on the Star Challengers Moonbase Crisis book by best-selling authors Rebecca Moesta and Kevin J. Anderson.  You will conduct lunar research, perform experiments, solve problems, build a moonbase model, and receive a signed copy of the book which was inspired by our local Challenger Learning Center in Colorado Springs.
(limited to 28 students per session)
Cost:  $180
Rocketeers Plus 
June 20-24, 8:30-11:30am
July 11-15, 12:30-3:30 pm
Rockets, rockets, and more rockets!  Investigate the principles of flight and rocketry that have made possible mankind's exploration of space.  You will build and launch several different kinds of rockets, including a NEW Estes model.  Also, experience a variety of "travels" in our Stellar Portal.
limited to 28 students per session)
Cost:  $180
 Entering GRADES 5-8

Lego ™ Robotics                  JUST ADDED 
June 13 - 17, 8:30am-3:30 pm (Bring a sack lunch) 
Due to popular demand, we added another robotics camp!  If you have experience building Legos™ or are interested in the basics of programming robots, we have a camp for you.  You will be using Lego Mindstorm™ Robotics kits to create and design various robots.  Working as a team, you will program the robots to attempt numerous challenges, culminating in a final challenge which will have you thinking about robots for weeks to come!   
(limited to 28 students)
Cost:  $290 

Lego ™ Robotics                    FULL 
June 27-July 1, 8:30am-3:30 pm (Bring a sack lunch) 
Due to popular demand, we have created a robotics camp!  If you have experience building Legos™ or are interested in the basics of programming robots, we have a camp for you.  You will be using Lego Mindstorm™ Robotics kits to create and design various robots.  Working as a team, you will program the robots to attempt numerous challenges, culminating in a final challenge which will have you thinking about robots for weeks to come!   
(limited to 28 students)
Cost:  $290 
Moon Walkers
July 25-29, 8:30-11:30 am
As a Moon Walker, you will look at Moon exploration, both current and future; study lunar geology; search for natural resource treasures while geocaching with real GPS satellites; perform space exercises; create your own lunar craters; and fly a mission in our simulator to deliver a probe to the surface of the Moon. 
(limited to 28 students per session)
Cost:  $180 

Mars 2076
JULY 25-29, 12:30-3:30pm
Be a crewmember on the next mission to Mars!  You will learn about Martian geology and meteorology at the Mars Base, the affects of microgravity on the body, and the navigation skills needed to successfully operate the Mars Transport Vehicle.  You will also design and build a lander to survive planetary impact. Do you have the right stuff?
(limited to 28 students per session)
Cost:  $180 

Entering GRADES 9-12
Space Engineering Odyssey
JUNE 6-10, 9:00 am-2:00 pm (Bring a sack lunch)
Emergency!  Apply physics, biology, chemistry and computer modeling to make informed decisions while you work to save the International Space Station crew during a simulated space mission crisis.  You will experience space-based simulations and apply technology as they explore engineering opportunities in aerospace industries.  Guest speakers will include aerospace professionals who will provide current information and answer questions regarding their various specialties.  Space Engineering Odyssey is a must for high school students considering high-tech careers.  You will improve your applied science skills and have fun doing it! 
(limited to 20 students)
Cost:  $220
NOTE:  College credits are optional.  For successful completion of Space Engineering Odyssey coursework, UCCS awards 2 elective physics credits.  An additional fee of $130 applies.

          Crew Members Needed for our next Space Mission
                                 Rendezvous with a Comet
                                   Saturday, June 18, 2011
                                             9am - 12noon  
                          $20 students (age 10+) and $25 for adults

                                 Call 719-598-9755 to Register

The Crew Members of
The Challenger Learning Center of Colorado