
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Happy holidays!!!

Christmas Party and Christmas Plays this Friday, December 21st
at 1:30 pm in our Cottage Classroom

Food may be anything you want to bring, salty, sweet, protein, veggies, gluten-free, vegan, whatever you want to share. We have enough juice  and cups from the last party.If your food item needs utensils, please provide them.

Students brought home scripts this week and they have been sent. It would be helpful if students know their lines when they come to school this week. If they don't, we will prompt them-NO WORRIES:). Narrator's have A LOT of lines and they may read them or recite them partially--either way. scripts are attached to this email.

Cottage 1
During class on Tuesday and Wednesday we will be rehearsing the Gingerbear play with a dress rehearsal at 1:00pm on Wednesday. If it is a snow day NO WORRIES IT WILL STILL BE CUTE

Cotttage 2 will have dress rehearsal of music and Rudolph play on Thursday at 1:00pm

Friday's schedule is:
11:10-1:30 Regular Cottage 2 class time
1:30 ALL Parents and ALL Students arrive with Party snacks and Cottage 1 younger class students arrive
 Sing-a-long Jingle Bells - Dalton on Keyboard
 Silent Night- Sebastian on Keyboard
 Hanukkah Report- Iraiah
 Dance-  O Come Emmanuel Iraiah and Autumn
 Christmas Nativity Report- Autumn
1:45  Rudolph Play
2:00 Gingerbears Play
2:15  Enjoy Christmas Snacks
2:45 Clean-up
2:55 Dismiss

Cotttage 1 (on Wed. and Fri.)
Gingerbears  can wear brown or wear a Christmas sweater/shirt or wear red or green top.
The mom, dad, and children in Gingerbears can wear Christmas sweater/shirt or wear red or green top

Cottage 2 (on Thurs. and Fri.)
Reindeer  and elves  may wear Christmas sweater/shirt or wear red or green top

May also wear just regular school clothes or a sweater, we will have other costume accessories so no need to buy anything.