
Saturday, October 27, 2012

Empty Bowls Night!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

The basic idea of empty bowls is simple. Students, volunteers, and staff members create ceramic bowls.
The community gathers for a simple meal of soup and bread.

Come choose your bowl from among hundreds of beautiful handmade bowls, make a donation, and share a simple meal with friends. Then keep your bowl to remember those who suffer with hunger & poverty,
and those in our own community who are experiencing a time of need.

This very special event lets our Woodland Park students know that they can make a difference in the community through their art. Students in every school are making bowls and generously donating
them to support families who need a little help.

Proceeds will go to Community Cupboard, a non-profit organization serving families in our area. Please save the date!

Empty Bowls Night
Ute Pass Cultural Center, Woodland Park.
Thursday, November 15, 5-8 p.m.
Hwy 24 and Fairview
$10 donation requested for a handmade bowl and soup;
$3 for soup and bread only
For more information call 719-650-0457

Fall Fun Day!

For all families:
ALL AGES and parents and siblings

Please join us for a creative and fun day at Gateway on Wednesday October 31. 2012. 

Pumpkin carving contest in the morning. Prizes given to all grade levels and many different categories. There is even an adult category! 

12:45-1:00 all school recess except for 1st grade - their recess time will be different due to specials schedule. 

Costume parade in the gym at 1:50 pm with classroom parties following the parade.
When choosing food for classroom parties, we would ask that our families seriously consider healthy snacks for students such as fruits, veggies, cheese, crackers, etc. We appreciate your support! It balances out 

bring whatever snack you'd like.
We have 30 total students in both Cottage classes plus online. I always ask parents to all bring something, but not necessarily enough for all students and siblings and adults. It  all just lasts as a "potluck" type event...not everyone has to eat every item. Also, come even if you don't bring anything as there is always some left. Snacks may be brought with students at start of day or parents can come at 1:50 or earlier to set up the food during parade before we eat.

Also due to student and school safety, please no weapons or blood with any costumes. We look forward to seeing creative and safe costumes. Adults are welcome and encouraged to wear costumes as well. 

See you then!.......