
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Happy holidays!!!

Christmas Party and Christmas Plays this Friday, December 21st
at 1:30 pm in our Cottage Classroom

Food may be anything you want to bring, salty, sweet, protein, veggies, gluten-free, vegan, whatever you want to share. We have enough juice  and cups from the last party.If your food item needs utensils, please provide them.

Students brought home scripts this week and they have been sent. It would be helpful if students know their lines when they come to school this week. If they don't, we will prompt them-NO WORRIES:). Narrator's have A LOT of lines and they may read them or recite them partially--either way. scripts are attached to this email.

Cottage 1
During class on Tuesday and Wednesday we will be rehearsing the Gingerbear play with a dress rehearsal at 1:00pm on Wednesday. If it is a snow day NO WORRIES IT WILL STILL BE CUTE

Cotttage 2 will have dress rehearsal of music and Rudolph play on Thursday at 1:00pm

Friday's schedule is:
11:10-1:30 Regular Cottage 2 class time
1:30 ALL Parents and ALL Students arrive with Party snacks and Cottage 1 younger class students arrive
 Sing-a-long Jingle Bells - Dalton on Keyboard
 Silent Night- Sebastian on Keyboard
 Hanukkah Report- Iraiah
 Dance-  O Come Emmanuel Iraiah and Autumn
 Christmas Nativity Report- Autumn
1:45  Rudolph Play
2:00 Gingerbears Play
2:15  Enjoy Christmas Snacks
2:45 Clean-up
2:55 Dismiss

Cotttage 1 (on Wed. and Fri.)
Gingerbears  can wear brown or wear a Christmas sweater/shirt or wear red or green top.
The mom, dad, and children in Gingerbears can wear Christmas sweater/shirt or wear red or green top

Cottage 2 (on Thurs. and Fri.)
Reindeer  and elves  may wear Christmas sweater/shirt or wear red or green top

May also wear just regular school clothes or a sweater, we will have other costume accessories so no need to buy anything.


Monday, December 10, 2012

MAPS This Week!!!

Just like before, all elementary and middle school online students must come in to take the mandatory  MAPS test.

Grades K -2nd 8:45-11:45 on
Wednesday, December 12th

Grades 3rd-8th 8:15-11:15 on

Thursday, December 13th

Students should report to my classroom 5 minutes before test time to leave their snacks and coats, etc.

MAPS testing will be in Computer LAB at Gateway.

(leave a cell number in case they finish early)

Please send lots of snacks (and lunch, too if in all day cottage class)

Parents may wait in my classroom or they may leave and come back at the end

Ian and Canyon are totally welcome to join us.

Autumn, Nick, Luke are also totally welcome to join this -if you are back and want this test information.

Immediate results are available.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Sharing Our Stories...?

Hey friends :)
Just thinking...
We all choose to homeschool for different reasons. In talking with/getting to know some of you, I have discovered that many of our children are dealing with special circumstances. Many of these circumstances make homeschooling a desirable option, if not a necessary one.
Our children provide each other with support, kindness, and sometimes respite from their individual challenges. As a parent of two children in the cottage program, I would love to know more about your/your child's situation. I'd love to be able to educate myself and my children on how to be more sensitive to the needs of their peers.
If you'd like to share your story here I'd be honored to post it. If you'd like to share your story but wish to remain anonymous, then please let me know. OR if you'd just like for me to post some links to some places where we might all be able to educate ourselves then that would be great too.
This is my e-mail address:
(I completely understand that not everyone wants to share their story---and that is completely OK.)
I have a few I can share, but I'll start with this one about my son, Jacob who deals with epilepsy:
November is National Epilepsy Awareness month. I did an interview about Jacob on this blog:
Trish, the author ("Robert's Sister), has opened my eyes to the world of epilepsy and to the importance of spreading awareness. She is an amazing caretaker who has dedicated her life to her brother, Robert, who suffers from intractable epilepsy, just like Jacob's. She is an inspirational advocate. Feel free to browse her blog while you're there. She has some startling statistics and some inspirational stories of people living with this disorder.
Thanks to all who are always in our corner :)
I'm in yours :)
Big hugs,
<3 Heather

Oh, and just a reminder that Empty Bowls Night is this Thursday, November 15th.
See the previous post for details...

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Empty Bowls Night!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

The basic idea of empty bowls is simple. Students, volunteers, and staff members create ceramic bowls.
The community gathers for a simple meal of soup and bread.

Come choose your bowl from among hundreds of beautiful handmade bowls, make a donation, and share a simple meal with friends. Then keep your bowl to remember those who suffer with hunger & poverty,
and those in our own community who are experiencing a time of need.

This very special event lets our Woodland Park students know that they can make a difference in the community through their art. Students in every school are making bowls and generously donating
them to support families who need a little help.

Proceeds will go to Community Cupboard, a non-profit organization serving families in our area. Please save the date!

Empty Bowls Night
Ute Pass Cultural Center, Woodland Park.
Thursday, November 15, 5-8 p.m.
Hwy 24 and Fairview
$10 donation requested for a handmade bowl and soup;
$3 for soup and bread only
For more information call 719-650-0457

Fall Fun Day!

For all families:
ALL AGES and parents and siblings

Please join us for a creative and fun day at Gateway on Wednesday October 31. 2012. 

Pumpkin carving contest in the morning. Prizes given to all grade levels and many different categories. There is even an adult category! 

12:45-1:00 all school recess except for 1st grade - their recess time will be different due to specials schedule. 

Costume parade in the gym at 1:50 pm with classroom parties following the parade.
When choosing food for classroom parties, we would ask that our families seriously consider healthy snacks for students such as fruits, veggies, cheese, crackers, etc. We appreciate your support! It balances out 

bring whatever snack you'd like.
We have 30 total students in both Cottage classes plus online. I always ask parents to all bring something, but not necessarily enough for all students and siblings and adults. It  all just lasts as a "potluck" type event...not everyone has to eat every item. Also, come even if you don't bring anything as there is always some left. Snacks may be brought with students at start of day or parents can come at 1:50 or earlier to set up the food during parade before we eat.

Also due to student and school safety, please no weapons or blood with any costumes. We look forward to seeing creative and safe costumes. Adults are welcome and encouraged to wear costumes as well. 

See you then!.......

Monday, October 8, 2012

Happy LogIn days still, and it's gonna be OK :)

Deep Breath.

For some reason, this time of year just starts to feel...crazy. Attendance due, grades coming, conferences coming, tired mommies and daddies, tired teachers, and tired kids. And although I look forward to the upcoming holiday season, I also know that A) it seems like a long time before break, and B) the holiday season isn't really a break.

About this time of year, I honestly begin to question whether or not homeschooling is really the right thing for my family.


Last year, one of the Lincoln teachers asked me to share some homeschooling tips with her so that she could pass them along to newer families. I am certainly no expert on the subject, and I ABSOLUTELY have my moments when I want to throw in the towel completely. But, after four years of homeschooling my two kiddos, there are definitely some things that I've stumbled across that have helped us to push through the rough times. I thought I'd share them with you (I know I sure needed to remind myself of these things today). Of course, you all may be sailing through easily, in which case, that's great!!! and feel free to quit reading :) But if there's anybody else like me needing a little encouragement, here's some ideas that might work...

1. Schedule your time, but know when to say when.
It can be tricky to know when to push and when to back off, but it definitely helps to allow yourself to stray from your schedule here and there when your kids (or you) just need a break (I know this is especially challenging during LogIn days, but they're almost over :)). I'm always surprised at how much of a difference just a 15 minute break can make.

2. Don't be afraid to mix it up a bit.
I definitely attribute much of our success to having such a great curriculum to follow (Lincoln). Once in a while though, my kids (and I) really enjoy just taking a day to do something different---like taking a whole afternoon to just read a fun book together or just getting out the paints and letting creativity take over. Sometimes just doing our online classes in a different room or outside is enough to break up the day.

3. Try not to worry too much about getting behind.
This one is hard for me, and I still struggle with learning to let go of "getting everything done---on time." The beauty of homeschooling is that our kids get to work at their own pace. Pressuring my kids has never ever worked (although I have unfortunately caught myself putting the pressure on at times), and is counterproductive to their success and enjoyment of learning. So take the pressure off of yourself, too. It can be really good to push your kids a little further when you know they can do it, but sometimes I catch myself stressing everybody out so that we can stay exactly on schedule. I need to remember that if we are honestly working consistently (with breaks, of course) and everyone is doing their best, then homeschool is already a success.

4. Do not take it personally when your kids complain.
They will complain sometimes---unless your kids never complain, in which case I humbly tip my hat to you for some incredible parenting. When they do complain though, it can be easy to tell yourself that you are not doing a good job and that maybe homeschooling isn't for you. NOT true. Work is hard. Everybody would always just have fun if they didn't have to work. So I really just try to remind myself, "if they are complaining, then that means they are working," and that is a good thing. Of course, we know our children better than anybody, and so it does fall on us to decide if they are just complaining or if they honestly need a break. But it needs to be said again---Do NOT feel like you aren't doing a good job just because they complain about it. Everybody complains sometimes. Hopefully we all have fun days that just seem to flow perfectly, too.

5. If possible, try to find other homeschooling families.
I am NOT a social person by any means. One of my kids is extremely social and the other is as introverted as me, but I have found that chatting or getting together with other homeschooling families on a regular basis is really rewarding for all of us. The kids can play together and the parents can swap stories and offer each other support. Nobody can relate to you as well as another homeschooling mom (or dad, grandparent, etc.). I really resisted this one for a long time because of my own discomfort, but it truly is worth it---community works, and the amazing, precious people that I've come to know through this cottage/online program are such tremendous blessings to me and my kids. If you live in a rural area where it just isn't possible to get together very much, I have found that even 15 minutes on the phone or emailing or texting helps a lot too.

It is definitely a challenge to keep it all in balance, and we can expect ourselves and our kids to not be perfect :) And every year I have found myself evaluating our choice to homeschool, but I've ultimately chosen to continue every time. Mostly, I need to be reminded to relax and have fun with it as much as possible. They grow up so. so. fast.

How about you? Any homeschooling stresses getting you down? Or any tips to share that have helped pull you through the rough spots?

<3 Heather

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

A few announcements

Good news! The art show at Park State Bank (see below) has been extended for 2 more weeks, so you still have a chance to touch a Picasso if you haven't already!

We are still celebrating LOGIN days, so please make sure you are logging in to every class and making even a little progess daily through October 11th.

You can see the Gateway Newsletter here.

Have a great week!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Amazing Art Opportunity

Gracie and I went to see this today---please go!!! It is an amazing Opportunity! The pieces are from the Hill Family Trust. The gentleman who is in charge of these paintings was there giving us an incredible tour. He is very kind and knowledgeable and he has a unique story about each piece on display. You won't be disappointed. Oh, and its FREE by the way :)
From Mrs. Lehmann (Gateway art teacher):
Special Art Show at the Park State Bank Until Friday Sept 28

DaVinci, Matisse, Renoir, Van Gogh, Picasso, etc, etc, etc!!!

Take your children to see ORIGINAL works by famous artists!

This show ends on Friday! Pieces are on display in the Eichman Gallery
on the 2nd floor of the bank.


Thursday, September 20, 2012

HAPPY LOGIN DAYS!!! and MAPS testing

Hi Everybody!
Happy LogIn Days!!!
From September 19-October 11, it is really important to login to your accounts everyday---showing progress in each subject. I know that one of the perks about homeschooling is the flexibility, but these dates are imperative to the success of our online program.
I'm posting the last few emails from Sandy, just in case yours get deleted from your inbox. They have some super important info regarding attendance requirements and MAPS testing.
Hope you are all having a wonderful fall!!!
Log In Days:
Log on at least each school day to each course or make up logins on weekends if missed

assignments should be done in a timely manner as requested in each course--no need to do extra or go faster...

just continue to progress as the course requires.

The goal is to show progress and to show you are using the curriculum consistently.

This is what you should do anyway, it is just needed in the count window for Sept 19-Oct 11 on a consistent on going basis.

I am really asking you to do what you should be doing online. just making sure these dates are DEFINITELY established.

The attendance is different. It is an informal - either estimated or actual - total of amount of time (days and hours) spent doing online work or assignments from online courses. These totals are compiled by you -simple-see below --and I enter them into the report cards for the attendance each quarter. I always need the totals a week ahead in order to complete the reports so parents estimate the last week of the quarter. It doesn't matter if you started course work before the date this summer, you still include it for 1st quarter. Likewise, you can estimate work done over Christmas vacation, etc. You have more freedom --after count window --Happy Log In Days, but I always report within the school dates for each quarter.

The quarters are as follows:

Quarter 1: August 21st - October 12th --reported Oct 5th or earlier. (on-campus 36 school days-you may have more or less online)

Quarter 2: October 15th - December 21st --reported January 3rd or earlier. (on-campus 42 school days-you may have more or less online)

Semester is END OF ALL PART 1 COURSES = 100% DONE

(and end of Qtr. 2 if on quarterly - like in Little Lincoln)

Quarter 3: January 8th - March 15th --reported March 8th or earlier. (on-campus 45 school days-you may have more or less online)

Quarter 4: March 18th - May 23rd --reported May 17th or earlier. (on-campus 40 school days-you may have more or less online)

attendance is simple just email me the totals that you counted or estimated

Total number of days schooled ______

Total number of hours schooled _______

Total number of school days off _______(when regular school is scheduled)

Mostly same message, but a little more detail:

The online program calculates login totals for each subject automatically. You just make sure you are logging on and doing assignments daily.
It is VERY IMPORTANT to log in to every subject frequently AND ESPECIALLY everyday between Sept 19th to Oct 11th. This just means do your regular work as you should be. This 'every subject/every day' is required during this period, which I call "Happy Log In Days", but you may go back to your own flexible schedule after Oct. 11th.
Also, each quarter, I will ask for your attendance which is number of hours spent online and doing work related to online, and number of days doing online, and number of regularly scheduled school days that are taken off.
I would just write the number of online hours on each day on a regular calendar. Then count the days/hours at end of qtr. to give to me, however, Pippi sent out a convenient calendar for this purpose. I will forward that calendar in case you'd like to use it, but I don't need the totals filled in below until October 5th with estimates of work through Oct. 12th which is end of the quarter. Also at that time it would be ideal to be done with Fall Quarter in Little Lincoln and done with lesson #20 in Lincoln. I realize it is the start of the year and the first quarter may have started late or been a challenging adjustment, but we should still aim for the "ideal", if possible so next quarter doesn't fall behind as well.
Total number of days schooled ______
Total number of hours schooled _______
Total number of school days off _______(when regular school is scheduled)
Thank you,
Sandy Struble Cottage/Online Teacher
Woodland Park School District RE 2
719-686-2171 office/classroom 719-329-8532 cell

MAPS testing:

Next week grades K-8 Online will be taking the MAPS testing.
The whole school finished these tests last week and now it is our Online students' turn.
I am very excited that this test is only one morning in the computer lab and will replace the Grade test (formerly given to 4th through 8th graders), the BEAR test (formerly given to K-3rd) and K12 Placement tests (which I quit using when they didn't work properly). I am also impressed with the information which this test provides that will not only help you plan your own teaching goals, but also help us to help you direct your curriculum and programs throughout this year and beyond.
K-2nd graders will test at 8:30 AM - 11:10 AM on Wednesday, September 26th at Gateway.
3rd -8th graders will test at 8:00 AM - 11:10 AM on Thursday, September 27th at Gateway.
Have your students come to my room 5 minutes early to put their belongings aside.
Send lots of snacks and drinks. We will give lots of breaks as needed. Part-time middle school students will be excused from on-campus classes on Thursday morning. Cottage school students should also bring a hearty lunch, since they will stay all day. Parents that would like to, may stay in my classroom to visit during the test time. Parents may also enjoy this morning off while leaving students here until they are done.
k-2nd graders have directions and questions read to them through the computer. Other grades also have advantages because the computer format can be very motivating.
ALL K-8th online students are expected to attend their scheduled session.
Thank you,
Sandy Struble Cottage/Online Teacher
Woodland Park School District RE 2
719-686-2171 office/classroom 719-329-8532 cell

Monday, September 10, 2012

Specials, Entertainment Books and Citizenship Day

Hi Everyone!

     I hope that all is going well and your schoolyear is going smoothly :) Please feel free to ask Mrs. Struble or Mrs. Howard any questions that you might have regarding the homeschool/cottage/online process. Also, talking to/getting support from other homeschooling moms/dads/family members in the program has always been extremely beneficial for me. Homeschooling is such a gift, and yet can be quite challenging. All of us experience highs and lows, so please don't hesitate to share your successes and lean on others during the trying times. You CAN do this!!!

     Regarding specials, it has been a little confusing figuring out which special is on which day. The sequence has always gone like this: PE, Art, Music, PE, Art, Music... And this is still the sequence, but as PE and Music are being offered on the same day, it is a little bit challenging---On a PE day, then PE is first and Music is second. The reverse is true on a Music day. This means that there will be some weeks that will have PE and Music on both days. Also, when there are assemblies or days off or snow days, then the schedule can get switched around, and we don't always know in advance what the special will be for the day.


Bottom line: It is a good idea to have PE shoes either worn or brought in, and if you are concerned about clothes getting messy, then it is a good idea to send a t-shirt that can be worn over clothing.
At this time, we do not have the space to store extra shoes or painting shirts.

For Library and Computer:
Cottage 1 goes to Library/Computer from 11:30-12:00 on Tuesdays.
Cottage 2 goes to Library/Computer from 11:30-12:15 on Thursdays.
This week they go to: Library

Library books are due every library day (every 2 weeks). As this will be their first visit this week, I'm not sure if they will be allowed to check out books yet. If so, then the books will be due 2 weeks from Tuesday for Cottage 1 and Thursday for Cottage 2.

Have a great week! :)

A couple of announcements from Gateway:

Please join us!!
Citizenship Day
Gateway Elementary School
Monday Sept. 17, 2012
8:00 a.m.
Meet us at the flag pole for a morning of music and celebration honoring our local firefighters and our American heritage

If you would like to sell Entertainment books yourself you have several options…..
1.)  Simply send this link to your contacts and when they buy using this link, Gateway will get credit. 


2.)  Have them go to the Gateway School Website, and scroll down to the IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT Section on the right and Click on ENTERTAINMENT BOOKS. 


3.)   Set up your own Seller Id through  using the Gateway ID #51873.  This is the process the students go through to get credit selling online.


Monday, August 27, 2012

Week of August 27-31, 2012

      Hi Everyone!

     I hope everyone had a fabulous first week! I know my kids did, playing with old friends and meeting new ones. Our family feels so lucky to be a part of such an amazing, versatile group of kids and parents---with one of the most patient and caring people on the planet as their Cottage teacher. So. Lucky. :)
     For this week (and on into next), Gateway will be participating in "Color Days" for the kindergarteners. It is a fun way to teach them about colors and it also promotes camaraderie and school spirit among the students. I have posted the letter sent out by the Kindergarten teachers at the end of this post.
     As for specials, I believe that this year things will be done a bit differently in order to allow the children to experience some of the specials more often. On days that would normally be PE or Music, the students will attend both, and Art will remain scheduled as in past years.

So, for this week:

Cottage 1 will have PE/Music on Tuesday, and Art on Wednesday
Cottage 2 will have PE/Music on Thursday, and Art on Friday

     Please be sure to send gym shoes with non-marking soles on PE days.

Hope you all have a fantastic week!

And just a reminder, there will be NO SCHOOL on Monday, September 3, OR Tuesday, September 4. Monday is Labor Day and Tuesday is Teacher Collaboration Day.

Here is the Color Days letter:

Dear Parents,
     Beginning Monday, August 27th, we will be having “Color
Days” in Kindergarten. We’d like the children to wear something
for each color we are learning about. Please do not go to any
expense to buy something for the color. A belt, scarf, ribbon,
piece of clothing or even a piece of colored paper pinned to
clothing will be adequate. The “Color Day” schedule will be:

RED- Monday, August 27th (No Cottage)
YELLOW – Tuesday, August 28th (Cottage 1)
BLUE – Wednesday, August 29th  (Cottage 1)
BROWN – Thursday, August 30th (Cottage 2)
ORANGE – Friday, August 31st   (Cottage 2)
PINK/PURPLE – Wednesday, September 5th (Cottage 1)
BLACK/WHITE – Thursday September 6th (Cottage 2)
GREEN – Friday, September 7th (Cottage 2)


Wednesday, August 22, 2012

First Week!

Hi Everyone!

     I'm so sorry that I missed posting at the beginning of the week. I've been ironing out my schedule, as I'm sure you all are too. I will do my best to get with it quickly! :)
     It seemed as though everyone from Cottage 1 made it to line-up beautifully. It was so fun to see all of those sweet little faces marching into the building with Sandy. I hope that pick-up went smoothly for everyone as well.

     Cottage 2 starts tomorrow! And I don't know about any of you, but my daughter is beside herself with excitement :)  Drop-off and pick-up times and procedures are at the end of this post.

     My little guy said that Cottage 1 had the pleasure of going to all three specials on both days, so I'm pretty sure that the same will apply to Cottage 2. In any case, please have your child wear or bring gym shoes.

     While there is no school on Friday, I encourage everyone to come and join the festivities in town. There will be a parade and plenty of activities and challenges for both the adults and the kids. Here is the info:

Event Name: 2012 USA PRO CYCLING CHALLENGE - Woodland Park SPRINT
Event Type(s): Community Event Calendar

Description: Stage 5 of the 2012 Pro Cycling Challenge will bring international riders from Breckenridge through Woodland Park on their way to finish in Colorado Springs. Woodland Park will host a Sprint Line where the riders may hit their fastest speeds of the week! If you are a business that would like to be in the middle of the festivities on Aug 24th please contact the organizing committee for the USA PRO CHALLENGE STAGE 5 SPRINT FESTIVAL in Woodland Park at 719.686.5259 or 719.641.0791. Some of the events are: People Powered Parade at 10:00 am in front of the Cultural Center - decorate your ride and win a prize! Kids activities at Memorial park Live Music in the Gazebo at Memorial Park at 12:00pm and 3:00pm BierWerks Bier Garden near Bergstrom Park opens at 11:00am VIP SPRINT Line Hospitality area sponsored by Park State Bank & Trust opens at 11:00am Costume Contest 140+ USA PRO CHALLENGE Cyclists race through town at the fastest speeds of the entire six day event. Come see them live cross the Sprint line at Pine St. Extended Farmers Market until 3:00pm Family Movie Night – bring your chairs and blankets and join us on the greens at the Midland Pavilion for 2 g-rated family movies Block Parties, Cookouts and Watch Parties all over town Join in the festivities and let’s have a great day of fun! 
Event Date: 08-24-12

Event Time: 10:00 AM - 08:30 PM MST
Location: Memorial Park and Throughout Woodland Park
along Highway 24
Woodland Park, CO 80863
Contact Person: Mike Perini
Details: ESTIMATED time for riders to sprint through Woodland Park is between 1:15 and 3:00.

The last I heard, some of these times might need to be rearranged a bit as they may be sending the pro-riders through earlier than expected, but for now the events are scheduled as planned.

Can't wait!

Hope you all have a great week and weekend!

Here is the drop off/pick up info sent from Sandy this week:
Cottage 1 classes start Tuesday, Aug. 21st at 11:10 and end at 2:55...every Tues. and Wed.

Cottage 2 classes start Thursday, Aug. 23rd at 11:10 and end at 2:55...every Thurs. and Fri.

NO SCHOOL FRIDAY AUGUST 24th due to BIKE RACE which will block many roads and bus routes, etc.

Students arrive and line up outside of the school beside the white fence of the butterfly garden until I come out and walk them in as an entire group.

There are no other children being dropped off at that time, so it is okay to park in front and get out of your car...

However, at 2:55 you must NOT park in front of the school, but rather park in the lot across the street using crosswalks to come and meet the class by the flag pole


Pull in front in the FLOW lane and teachers and the principal help children notice their cars and get in the in a continuous flow of traffic. Parents do not get out of the car when in the flow lane.

I will walk the class out to the flag pole area in front of the school and help children during this first week or so of school until they are used to the system.

Cottage 1 classes start Tuesday, Aug. 21st at 11:10 and end at 2:55...every Tues. and Wed.
Cottage 2 classes start Thursday, Aug. 23rd at 11:10 and end at 2:55...every Thurs. and Fri.

NO SCHOOL FRIDAY AUGUST 24th due to BIKE RACE which will block many roads and bus routes, etc.

Students arrive and line up outside of the school beside the white fence of the butterfly garden until I come out and walk them in as an entire group.
There are no other children being dropped off at that time, so it is okay to park in front and get out of your car...

However, at 2:55 you must NOT park in front of the school, but rather park in the lot across the street using crosswalks to come and meet the class by the flag pole


Pull in front in the FLOW lane and teachers and the principal help children notice their cars and get in the in a continuous flow of traffic. Parents do not get out of the car when in the flow lane.

I will walk the class out to the flag pole area in front of the school and help children during this first week or so of school until they are used to the system.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Here We Go! 2012-2013

Everybody Ready? (If your answer is "not exactly," that's OK---I've got some work to do too :) )

Welcome back to a new school year! I'll be doing my best to keep us all updated on the goings-on via this blog. I'll try to do at least one weekly update to give us all an idea of what our children's week will look like.

This Week:

     Meet and Greet at the creek in Green Mountain Falls, Wednesday, August 15 from 10-1. For those of you who are unfamiliar with GMF, the event will be at the creek/picnic area by the GMF pool NOT the playpark with the gazebo. Take the GMF exit from hwy 24 and follow the road until it makes a sharp left turn, just after the pool (about 1/2 mile from hwy). There is parking on the left just after the sharp left turn.  You'll see a large picnic area right next to the creek.
     I LOVE this event :) This area of the creek is "bordered" by two tunnels and is plenty shallow enough for the kids to play safely, yet deep enough for the kids to have tons-o-fun! Bring some snacks/lunch, a blanket or lawn chairs, sunscreen, towels, clothes/shoes for the kiddos that you're OK with getting wet (a change of clothes might be a good idea too) and plenty of sand/water toys. While we'll miss some old familiar faces, we look forward to meeting all of our new families! If you need further directions, please e-mail me at
     Also, the pool will be open if you'd like to swim, although I'm not sure of the pricing.

Next Week:

School starts! Yay!

     Cottage 1 (K-2) will meet Tuesday, August 21, and Wednesday, August 22.

     Cottage 2 (3-5) will meet Thursday, August 23. There wil be NO SCHOOL on Friday the 24th, due to Hwy 24 being closed for the Procycling Tour.

     I am unsure of the schedule for Specials yet, but I will let you know---it helps to know if your child has PE that day :)

     Hours for both classes are 11:10-2:55. Please bring your children to the front entrance at Gateway by 11:05 to line up at the white fence in front of the school. You may park in either of the 2 parking lots in the front, or you may park at the curb alongside the yellow painted areas. If you have prearranged to enter the building, please park in the parking area so we don't block the drop-off lane. Mrs. Struble will come out to pick up the whole class at 11:10 and escort them to their classroom.

     Please do not enter the building early unless you have already worked something out with Sandy. If you do need to enter the building, you must first stop by the office to sign in. If you don't have a volunteer pass, then you will need your ID. Volunteer applications can be filled out at the front office---a background check is required, but we are very fortunate that our school pays for them (some schools require that the volunteers buy their own background checks).

     There are several options for pick-up. If you use the flow lane, instruct your child to watch for your vehicle. As you pull up to the school, you will need to pull up as far as possible, which isn't always directly in the front. Parents are not allowed to exit their vehicle, so if your child doesn't see you right away, you may need to ask a crossing attendant to assist your child in getting to you.
     Another option is that you park in one of the lots and walk to the front door to meet your child and take them back to your vehicle.
     A third option is that you park in the parallel parking on Baldwin, right in front of the playground. There is a gate that the children can come through if you instruct them to come through the playground. You may also park there and use the gate to walk up to the front entrance to greet your child.
     Whichever option you choose, it is recommended that you arrive early, as the flow lane gets very full and parking spaces get harder to find at 2:55.

Supply list:
Please send these items with your child on the first day of school. Mrs. Struble likes to get started right away on fun projects that will require many of these supplies :)

1 plastic pocket folder
1 Dozen #2 pencils (sharpened)
1 set washable markers (fat or skinny)
1 box crayons or colored pencils (sharpened)
1 pencil box (8"x2"x5") (not bigger than 11"x7"x2")
1 Ruler (metric and English)
1 Glue Stick
1 bottle white school glue
1 Fiskars children's scissors
1 large box facial tissues (and a second brought in after Holiday break)
1 box Ziploc bags (sandwich or gallon)
1 Spiral Notebook
2 boxes of Snacks per semester (can be crackers, cookies, granola bars, fruit snacks, pretzels, etc)

(May bring in backpack as needed: non-marking soles on clean shoes for gym but please do not leave at school)

     There is a snack time everyday @1:15. Please pack plenty of snacks or a lunch for your child, including water or another drink (clear drinks only please). We do have extra snacks (that you all donate at the beginning) for children who do not have one, but please instruct your child to eat the snack you sent. In the past, we have had some cute little kiddos (including my own at times) eating the emergency snacks even though they do have their own. Surely they just forgot that they had one packed for them ;)

If you have ANY questions about how the Cottage scheduling works, please contact me, Heather Kriegshauser, at or Pippi Howard at

Can't wait! Its going to be a great year!
See you soon,
Heather Kriegshauser (Gracie and Jacob's mama).