
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Writing Assesment [& Other testing] meeting

Meeting Reminder!!!

I am very excited to invite all of you to an informative meeting about students’ writing expectations this Wednesday at 10:15.

Every year the online students are required to take tests asking them to write from a prompt with a plan and I watch their blank stares.

I am so thankful that Eve Owen The Instructional Resource Teacher here will show all of us homeschoolers what to expect so our kids are more prepared and less “freaked out” when encountering the writing portion of assessments.

I also am excited because in all my years of homeschooling and teaching I have seen writing as the most neglected subject despite how important it is in school and in life.

Hope to see you on Wed. January 26th at 10:15 to just get some background and ideas from Eve. I hope to also provide a bridge between the curriculum you use and its presentation of writing and what the assessments ask for –so as not to make more work for anyone, but to help simplify it all.

Please come for info. if you are in assessment grades (2nd grade has a writing assessment coming up in April and 3rd -5th have writing on the CSAP)
Kindergarten and 1st Grades have writing to look forward toJ and be prepared for. It’s all goodJ

Yes, of course bring your children. I will probably be in the back of the room watching them ALL play but yet not missing the meeting (questions , answers, concerns for my own benefit) but I will try not to be too disruptive with them while parents sit toward the front and try to listen.